Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT) celebrates 21 years

Beka Haytch is the live scribe HOT used for their event and produced the wonderful artwork.Beka Haytch is the live scribe HOT used for their event and produced the wonderful artwork.
Beka Haytch is the live scribe HOT used for their event and produced the wonderful artwork.
This past year marked a significant milestone for Halifax Opportunities Trust (HOT) as they concluded their 21st birthday celebrations.

​Jordan Baker, VSI Alliance, writes: The year was marked by reflection, joyful festivities, and a forward gaze, as they strive to enhance their impact while remaining committed to their core vision of creating opportunities for a better life.

​Since its launch in 2002, HOT has invested almost £70 million in place-based community Park Ward and the wider Calderdale area through their six core areas; children and families, apprenticeships, inclusive integration, community and wellbeing, employment and enterprise.

The regeneration charity ended its celebrations with the Big HOT review of the year in November 2023 at The Elsie Whiteley Innovation Centre where staff, trustees, partners and members of the community celebrated the incredible impact HOT has had – and continues to have – on local lives.

Alison Haskins, CEO of HOT, shared: “We’re here so everyone has opportunities to grow and hearing about the experiences of our community through stories from the people we work alongside has motivated us further!

We’ve created opportunities for 50,000 people so far and we’re committed to increasing this significantly in the next 21 years and beyond – our immediate and future plans are instrumental in ensuring this happens.”

As for the future, HOT is confident they are here to stay and continue to work towards their goals of strengthening communities, advocating for equity and driving progress.

The Trust are delighted to confirm its success in a bid for an asset transfer from Calderdale Council of the Queens Road Neighbourhood Centre, further solidifying its roots in Park Ward.

The Grade II listed building has been closed since March 2020, however, HOT are determined to give the space a well-deserved new lease of life and the community a place to thrive.

The transfer will allow HOT to centralise its core teams and offer a warm and welcoming environment to individuals and community groups.

HOT has also partnered with local charity WomenCentre and together, have purchased their first house in Central Halifax.

This collaboration ensures the provision of high-quality housing for families in challenging circumstances, with plans to expand their property portfolio in the future.

Similar to many charities in Calderdale, HOT is well-acquainted with innovative thinking, adaptability to change, and awareness of the current landscape.

That’s why they have set a goal to take the lead in promoting sustainability and minimizing their carbon footprint.

While HOT already has the splendid Outback Community Kitchen and Garden—a beautiful one-hectare site where dedicated volunteers cultivate fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables, later sold to the community through The Outback pop-up shop (seasonally open from April-October) and the recently launched community pantry that runs every Tuesday from 1-4pm, stocking low-cost cupboard staples and no-cost fresh Outback produce — there’s a larger aspiration at play.